Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Business Coach: 50 Reasons People Should Buy from YOU

As a business coach, I love tools, strategies, templates and exercises that help small business owners sell more, more easily and more often.

After reading this post, YOU will be able to build yourself one of the most powerful sales tools I’ve ever seen. (And I’ve seen a LOT of marketing/sales tools in my 20+ years in business.)

Because of my involvement in the National Speakers Association (NSA) and the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS), I’ve been fortunate to develop personal friendships with some of the smartest and most successful business speakers, sales experts and marketing gurus in my field.

One of these folks is known as Canada’s Sales Coach – his name is Tom Stoyan and he is also a member of the Speaker’s Hall of Fame (HoF). When Tom and I were co-presenting at a convention almost three years ago, he kindly participated in a small part of my program and I participated in his. We thought we’d compare notes and both learn a thing or two.

Tom picked up some ideas around social media and inbound marketing and I picked up a Million Dollar Idea called the “Why People Buy from Me” worksheet.

It is a structured process that walks you through 5 key questions – which require 10 (ten!) answers to each, giving you an arsenal of 50 selling points. You can use these in your marketing materials, sales conversations, website copy, phone calls, emails, and anyplace else you need to PROVE to your buyers that buying from anyone else would be a HUGE mistake.

At the risk of being self-serving (get over it – it’s an example, OK?) here is mine for the marketing coaching part of my business.

Note I cheated on Question #3 because I did this exercise from a personal perspective, not an overall company perspective. If you work for an organization larger than yourself, DO NOT SKIP Question #3. Seek help from your boss and co-workers to answer it – or call Tom Stoyan and he’ll help you answer it as part of his program!

1. Why should I buy your product/service?

  1. Because you’re terrible at marketing
  2. You don’t make time for marketing
  3. You’ve read too many books yet implemented too few ideas
  4. Because without proactive marketing, you’re the best kept secret at what you do
  5. Because you don’t need marketing information – you need marketing implementation
  6. You don’t know what you don’t know about marketing your services
  7. You’re tired of throwing money in a marketing black hole
  8. You want to regain control of your marketing and sales results
  9. You’re tired of spinning your wheels and you’re ready to commit to marketing success
  10. You realize that for every marketing dollar you spend, you should get at least $3 in return

2. Why should I buy from YOU?

  1. Because of my brilliant testimonials from some of the top entrepreneurs and consultants in the US
  2. Because I’ve been the talent, bought the talent, and sold the talent so I’ve sat on all three sides of the table!
  3. Because I give you the strategies, tactics, and guided implementation you need to generate results
  4. Because my materials, advice, articles, and presentations are splattered all over the web! (You’ve already heard of me so I must be doing something right – what if YOU could do the same in your prospect base?)
  5. Because I’ve been quoted or featured in the New York Times, Investors Business Daily, Fast Company, Selling Power, Sales & Marketing Management, Business 2.0 and Entrepreneur Magazine (with a picture!)
  6. Because I’m the author of 3 books on marketing and professional services, including The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Using Consultants (HRD Press, 2007) Do It! Marketing (AMACOM, 2013) and 21 Secrets of Simple Marketing Success
  7. Because I’ve delivered over 600 presentations since 1992 and I’ve worked with 44 of the Fortune 500
  8. Because I have an application process that you must go through before we work together – I don’t work with any warm body with a checkbook
  9. Because my programs are consistently among the highest rated at national conventions and association chapters nationwide
  10. Because I have over 40 video testimonials on YouTube so you can see I’m the “real deal”

3. Why should I buy from your company?

My company and me are one and the same. See reasons above.

4. Why should I buy your price?

  1. Because I have a 1000% guarantee as follows: “I’m better than anyone who’s cheaper; and I’m cheaper than anyone who’s better.”
  2. Pay one price for unlimited coaching – I’m more concerned in getting you to your destination than running the meter.
  3. The fee is the fee – and if you’re not making back 3-10x my fee after our work, one of us is not doing his job… and it’s not usually me.
  4. Everything is too expensive until you want it* (*T. Stoyan, 2012)
  5. People won’t spend $50 to fix a $5 problem. But they will spend $1 million to solve a $10 million problem
  6. If you’re not comfortable spending big money with me, why would you expect your prospects to spend big money with you?
  7. If you ask anyone I’ve worked with, 90% of them will tell you that working with me was some of the smartest money they ever spent. The other 10% didn’t do the work. 
  8. You shouldn’t work with me if marketing and growing your business is not a serious priority for you
  9. You shouldn’t work with me if your business is struggling – get sales coaching first (I’m serious!)
  10. You can spend less and you’ll get less – and you can also spend more and you’ll still get less. I over-deliver like crazy (see testimonials) because once you’re “in” with me, I have nothing more to sell you and we can get to work!

5. Why should I buy NOW? (“Now is a relative term” — T. Stoyan, 2012)

  1. Because it’s rare that I have openings in my client roster – you can get in now or typically wait 3-6 months.
  2. Because the longer you delay getting your marketing house in order, the longer you’ll be in a state of confusion, inaction, and overwhelm
  3. Because “waiting til my business picks up” to invest in marketing is like saying “I’m sick as a dog but I’ll wait til I feel better to go to the doctor.” It’s never going to happen
  4. I’ve never seen a marketing plan that starts with “Generate enough sales to afford marketing plan”
  5. Maybe you should never buy – and you might not qualify to work with me.
  6. What would it be like if your next year’s revenues were much like your last year’s? If you’re OK with that, there’s probably no reason for us to work together.
  7. Are you sure you have a marketing problem and not a sales problem? Maybe Stoyan is a better fit for you. Would you like his number?
  8. Because the money you’re NOT making week after week, month after month, is a larger number than the money you’d be investing to restore your revenues to where you’d like them to be
  9. Because you want to stop the “feast or famine” revenue cycle and get a proactive handle on your marketing process before you hit your next dip
  10. Because someone you know and respect recommended we chat and I’m the answer to your prayers. (In addition to… I’m one of the most humble people you know!)

See? I told you it was self-serving.

Until now.

Because NOW – it is YOUR turn. Here is your assignment:

  1. Why should I buy your product/service?
  2. Why should I buy from YOU?
  3.  Why should I buy from your company?
  4. Why should I buy your price?
  5.  Why should I buy NOW? (“Now is a relative term” — T. Stoyan, 2012)

Grab your FREE copy of the Strategic Marketing eBook.

Are you a DO IT freak? Welcome to the club!! Please use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it with your network. YOU are a rock star!

About the Author


David Newman

David Newman, best-selling author of “Do It! Selling” and creator of the Do It! MBA; host of the iTunes Top 50 business podcast “The Selling Show”; connect with David on Facebook and watch our current free on-demand masterclass.

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Elevate Your CEO Brand

How Top CEO's, Founders, and Senior Executives
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