John is a former combat Navy fighter pilot, keynote speaker, executive coach, bestselling author of On Purpose With Purpose and international podcast host. John was named by Inc. Magazine as one of “The Top 12 Podcasts Leaders Need to Listen To.” It is John’s purpose and joy to launch individuals, companies, and government organizations into their full potential.
John talks about his journey from being a Navy fighter pilot to serial entrepreneur, how he prioritizes prospects, and shares some of his best and worst selling stories!
In This Episode, You'll Learn about...
- 5 types of clients
- A sale that surprisingly went well and didn’t go well
- Starting and maintaining the conversation
- Promoting or demoting prospects and clients
- Seeking feedback
Links and Resources
- Beyond Influence book
- Where to find John: LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
- On-demand Briefing: “Elevate Your CEO Brand”
- Get your Do It! Marketing Manifesto
- NEW BOOK! Buy Do It! Selling and get all the bonuses and companion tools here