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Episode 197

Association Insider Secrets with Mary Byers

Episode 197: Mary Byers

Mary Byers, CAE, is co-author of Race for Relevance: Five Radical Changes for Associations and Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations. Mary works with not-for-profit organizations to help them remain relevant in a rapidly changing environment and specializes in working with volunteer association leaders and chief staff executives to help define their roles and clarify their vision through leadership conference programming, facilitating strategic planning retreats and coaching. She is a skilled listener and able to help initiate and manage difficult conversations. Mary is a certified speaking professional, a certified association executive and a member of the National Speakers Association. She is also the author of seven books.

Mary shares some secrets and insight from the association’s side of the industry in regard to the current pandemic environment, what could be expected, and how long it will take to be back to normal!

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