From humbling beginnings to working with Top 100 and multi-billion dollar companies, two-time TEDx Speaker Gail Kasper’s systems have reached millions of people whether through a speaking or corporate event or a national television appearance where she has been called on time and time again to share her personal experiences and thought-provoking processes on a universal level. A semi-finalist to be on The Apprentice and tested to be in the top 5% with regard to her IQ, today Gail is an author, thought-leader on, television host, producer, Ms. Continental America 2009, and creator of SAD-T™ (Systematic Attitude Development-Technique™), a technique she utilized to get logical and take steps in her life, versus face the trap of immobilization and being stuck.
Gail talks about her sales program “Sell Like a Cockatoo”, investing in mentorship, keeping clients focused, and much more!
In This Episode, You'll Learn about...
- Developing “Sell Like a Cockatoo”
- Digging in deep
- You have to care today
- Voice techniques
- Productizing
- Raise the value of you
- Investing in guidance
- Deterring clients from distractions
Links and Resources
- On-demand Briefing: “Elevate Your CEO Brand”
- Get your Do It! Marketing Manifesto
- NEW BOOK! Buy Do It! Selling and get all the bonuses and companion tools here