Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Episode 61

I Wish Someone Had Told Me with Brad Montgomery

Episode 61: Brad Montgomery

Brad teaches people how to use happiness to boost productivity, creativity, innovation & profits. He turns typical meetings into transformational events using, the power of happiness. Oh, and he’s pretty funny. Brad has transformed audiences in all 50 states and on four continents. His clients include Microsoft, Verizon, the FBI (yes, that FBI) the CIA (yes, that CIA) and the IRS (where he withheld 30% of his best strategies.) Brad specializes in using humor, interactivity, sound, music and visuals to ignite audiences so that they can use happiness as a tool to improve their lives and their jobs.

In this episode, Brad tells David some of the many things he wishes he had done differently with his business. From investing in marketing to accepting help sooner, even down to whether or not he should’ve gotten an office!

In This Episode, You'll Learn...

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