“The single most effective way to sell anything to anyone is to be a problem finder and a problem solver… NOT a product pusher.” For Jeremy Miner, the embodiment of this philosophy has made him one of the wealthiest sales professionals on the planet. During his 17 yr sales career, he was recognized in the direct selling industry as the #45th highest earning producer out of more than 108 million salespeople, selling anything worldwide – Jeremy’s earnings as a commission-only salesperson were in the multiple 7-figures, EVERY year! He is the Chairman of 7th Level, a Global Sales Training. 7th Level was ranked the #1 fastest-growing sales training company in the USA in 2020 and 2021 by INC magazine’s INC 5000 Fastest Growing Companies list.
Jeremy talks about the smart way to asks questions in a sales conversation, avoiding the stereotypically salesy approaches, writing his new book, and much more!
In This Episode, You'll Learn about...
- Smart questioning
- Forms of persuasion
- Intentionally human
- Disarming a prospect
- Writing “The New Model of Selling, Selling to an Unsellable Generation”
Links and Resources
- The 500k Consulting Gameplan Session
- Get your Do It! Marketing Manifesto
- Join our online community: High-Fee Consultants & Business Coaches Ready to Grow NOW
- NEW BOOK! Buy Do It! Selling and get all the bonuses and companion tools here