Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

33 Great Questions to Get Your Business Unstuck

  1. How can we offer a risk-free trial of our product/service?
  2. What would make our work more fun?
  3. Which of YOUR talents and capabilities would you like to use more of?
  4. How can we do better in generating inbound leads?
  5. What should we be doing more of?
  6. What should we be doing less of?
  7. How can we be more valuable to our clients?
  8. What’s the smartest decision we made in the last 3 months?
  9. What’s the dumbest decision we made in the last 3 months?
  10. Where are we hitting it out of the park?
  11. Where are we missing the mark and need to raise our game?
  12. How do we know the metrics we’re tracking are the right metrics? Do we need to add, change or delete some key success factors?
  13. What are the DNA markers of a 2-year client? 5-year client? 10-year client?
  14. What extra services could we offer in a super-premium version of our core product/service?
  15. What “lite” services could we offer in an entry-level version of our core product/service?
  16. Do we have enough staff, capacity, and bandwidth to handle bigger, better projects? If not, how quickly can we scale with outsourcing, partnering, or subcontracting?
  17. What can we simplify, eliminate, delegate, or outsource?
  18. How can we work with prospects who are ahead of the curve in our area of expertise? (Advanced level program)
  19. How can we work with prospects who are behind the curve in our area of expertise? (Quickstart program)
  20. Are we doing too much marketing and not enough selling?
  21. Are we doing too much selling and not enough marketing?
  22. How are we making our prospects smarter – even if they DON’T buy from us?
  23. Are we articulating clearly and concisely our level of expertise, experience and empathy with our target market?
  24. Are we articulating clearly and concisely the exact types of heartaches, headaches, pains, problems, challenges and gaps that we can fix?
  25. Are we investing in thought leadership marketing strategies like speaking, publishing, and social media to elevate our expertise and stand out from the crowd?
  26. How can we zig where the competition zags?
  27. How can we show – not tell – our clients that we offer products and services that are BFS (better, faster, smarter)?
  28. How can we offer depth with variety?
  29. What can we do to encourage our favorite customers to serve as our most effective salesforce?
  30. How can we provide indisputable points of proof that what we do works, is cost-effective, and is better than any competitor or alternative (customer testimonials, industry recognition, videos, demonstrations, references, case studies, expert endorsements)
  31. What else can we do to qualify the right prospects, disqualify the wrong prospects, and get our sales process to be shorter, sharper, and more streamlined?
  32. When we win business, do we know (exactly) why? When we lose business, do we know (exactly) why? Where has this data been captured and how are you using it to improve your odds with every new prospect day by day and week by week?
  33. Have you shared this post with three people whose business might benefit? Have you bought this book that comes with over $747 of marketing bonuses? Have you noticed there are more than 33 questions in this list?

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About the Author


David Newman

David Newman, best-selling author of “Do It! Selling” and creator of the Do It! MBA; host of the iTunes Top 50 business podcast “The Selling Show”; connect with David on Facebook and watch our current free on-demand masterclass.

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Elevate Your CEO Brand

How Top CEO's, Founders, and Senior Executives
Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

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