Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Episode 73

Knockout Presentations with Diane DiResta

Episode 73: Diane DiResta

Diane DiResta, Certified Speaking Professional, is founder and president of DiResta Communications, Inc. Known as the Speaking Strategist, Diane brings over 20 years as a communications expert and speech pathologist using her unique 4M approach. Her company works with Fortune 500 companies, media trains sports and entertainment celebrities from the NBA, WNBA, USGA and coaches C-level executives how to exude executive presence and shine on the platform. She’s been featured on CNN and quoted in the NY Times. WSJ, Investor’s Business Daily, the London Guardian, Fast Company and more. Diane is a past president of NSA NY chapter and recipient of the Golden Mic award.

As a professional speaker, Diane has spoken in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Russia, the Middle East and South America. Prior to establishing her company, she was an AVP at Drexel Burnham, a training specialist for Salomon Brothers and a Speech Pathologist for the NYC schools. She holds a master’s degree in Speech Pathology from Columbia University, is a graduate of CoachU, and the author of the popular book, Knockout Presentations. Now in its 3rd edition.

Diane, the presentation guru, talks with David about some of the best practices of delivering knockout presentations! Including effective use of PowerPoints, note cards, developing an overall solid structure for your presentation, and steering away from disaster in a Q&A session!

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