Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

WIIFM is dead. Long live WNOR

For a very long time, you couldn’t sit through any marketing seminar or sales training without some moron blathering on about the radio station WIIFM – “What’s In It For Me?” as if this was cutting edge information that you had never heard before.

Well, we’re changing the station, folks… because the only radio station your prospects care about today is WNOR:

  • Wants
  • Needs
  • Outcomes
  • Results

Let’s dig into each one of these individually so that YOU can begin broadcasting your marketing and sales messages on this channel to get more leads, attract better prospects, and close bigger sales.

Wants. Wants are desires. These are aspirational, positive things that your prospect is attracted to. Examples include more time, more money, more hair, more sex, more happiness, more cupcakes… you get the idea. In order to enter the conversation already happening in your prospect’s mind, it is vitally important that you speak prospect language about prospect wants. NOT industry jargon. NOT marketing-speak. Plain English. Put another way: this is where your prospects want to go.

Needs. Needs are problems and challenges that your prospect is looking to solve. Needs are generally articulated as pains, hassles, heartaches, headaches, and gaps. When there is a need, it is calling out for something. A fix, a missing puzzle piece, or a solution. Put another way, these are your prospects’ obstacles and roadblocks that need to be removed in order for them to achieve their wants.

Outcomes. Outcomes live on the other side of your prospect buying your product or service. Once they buy, use, install, or consume what you’re selling, their condition improves. Outcome statements are phrased in terms of boosting the positive (teamwork, innovation, productivity, profitability, etc) and reducing the negative (complaints, defects, returns, injuries, wasted time, wasted money, inefficiencies, etc.)

Results. Results are the emotional benefits of achieving the outcomes. Another way to put this is that results are the “ultimate destination” or payoff that stems from the outcomes. The pivotal phrases you can use to frame results are: “so that you feel…” – “so you restore…” “so you regain…” – “so you can relax about…”



Perhaps we’re a good fit to work together if you want to:

  • Get laser-focused on getting more clients in less time and with less struggle
  • Raise your fees and start working with more profitable clients
  • Build a perpetual marketing plan that fits your particular strengths, personality and preferences
  • Make small shifts in your positioning and promotion that will open the floodgates to more revenues


As a small business owner, independent professional, or entrepreneur do you…

  • Get stuck when trying to figure out how to attract more clients and generate more revenue…
  • Feel overwhelmed by the vast number of marketing options you could be doing to grow your business…
  • Regret being burned by so-called marketing “gurus” that promised a quick fix…
  • Suffer disappointment when investing in marketing solutions that seem to work for “everyone else…”
  • Fear that your business is sliding back to where you were 2-3 years ago rather than leaping ahead…
  • Find increased resistance today from clients and prospects about pricing…
  • Have more prospects saying “No” to you and lose sales that you used to close easily
  • Feel like you’re banging your head against a wall – which gives you a giant marketing headache…


Here are just some of your skills and abilities that will improve as a result of this program:

  • Experience Marketing Detox: Stop poisoning your business with short-term “flavor of the month” initiatives and commit to a plan that works and lasts
  • Discover why results DON’T come from “quick fix” schemes or outdated “best practices”
  • STOP losing deals on price and confidently step into “Premium Positioning” while also raising your closing ratio and boosting your referrals
  • Analyze the types of marketing activities that fit your unique personality, strengths, and preferences
  • Build (or rebuild) a detailed marketing “blueprint” with hand-selected marketing activities and tasks that you’ll actually enjoy doing
  • Increase perceived value so you’re considered a partner – not a “peddler”
  • Tailor a questioning plan and set specific goals for every phase of your marketing and sales process
  • Gain powerful insights into your prospect’s problems, obstacles, and challenges — and create “indisputable points of proof” that you can solve them
  • Anticipate buyer behavior to prevent fence-sitting and endless stalling
  • Implement a Perpetual Marketing Plan that brings results daily
  • Use “inbound marketing” strategies to attract clients and customers to your expertise, regardless of price and regardless of your competitive environment
  • Do what needs to be done (finally!) to create a permanent foundation for your entrepreneurial success


Results you can expect after this program:

  • You’ll consistently attract a much higher caliber of client
  • You’ll clearly articulate your premium pricing – and never cave on price again
  • You’ll feel focused on what matters most and make significant progress daily
  • You’ll be positioned as an expert
  • You’ll feel extremely confident
  • You’ll concisely convey exactly how your business helps your clients
  • You’ll trust yourself more than ever
  • You’ll have a razor sharp profile of the ideal clients you want to serve – and you’ll know exactly where to find them
  • You’ll do ONLY marketing tasks that you find easy, effortless, and enjoyable
  • You’ll feel inspired, supported, and motivated to take action
  • You’ll know how to leverage your time and intellectual property

Your turn – how can you use the above WNOR model to restructure your marketing messages, web copy, sales letters, or other collateral so that they resonate 100% with your best prospects, customers and clients?

About the Author


David Newman

David Newman, best-selling author of “Do It! Selling” and creator of the Do It! MBA; host of the iTunes Top 50 business podcast “The Selling Show”; connect with David on Facebook and watch our current free on-demand masterclass.

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Elevate Your CEO Brand

How Top CEO's, Founders, and Senior Executives
Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

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