Gene is the President of The Marks Group PC, a technology and financial management consulting firm based near Philadelphia. As a small business expert, Gene writes daily for The Washington Post focusing on issues affecting the business community. He also writes weekly columns for Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Fox Business, The Huffington Post, and Entrepreneur.com. His columns are read by hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized business owners around the country.
Gene Marks, entrepreneur, author, writer, and speaker joins us to talk about how he found his way into the speaking business and how he uses television appearances as a way to promote himself as a speaker. Gene also discusses his writing ventures and meet up strategies!
In This Episode, You'll Learn...
- About Gene working as a CPA and with his dad’s bookkeeping software
- Becoming a speaker
- Integrating his writing and speaking into his CRM business
- Getting into television appearances
- The value of television appearances
- Separating his CRM business from his speaking
- Getting your foot in the door to established writing platforms
- What publishers are looking for
- Blogs vs Existing platforms
- Working with sponsors
- Gene’s meet up strategy