Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Episode 89

Simple Success Plans with Laura Posey

Episode 89: Laura Posey

Laura Posey is an internationally recognized speaker, author and consultant. She is known as The One-Page, One-Hour Breakthrough Specialist for her unique ability to simply and easily laser focus her clients to get dramatic results.

Her Simple Strategic Plan is used by over 2500 companies from startups to Fortune 100. She is the author of “How to Plan Your Entire Year On One Sheet Of Paper”, and co-author with Jack Canfield of “Mastering The Art Of Success”. Laura is a graduate of SUNY at Buffalo and holds an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University. When not on stage or with a client, you can find her traveling the world, playing golf, practicing the fiddle or snuggling with her rescue mutt, George, at home in Richmond, VA.

Laura Posey, Chief Instigator of Simple Success Plans, does a breakdown of the simplicity and versatility of the planning process with David and where many have it all wrong!

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