Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Episode 124

Moving Your Business Online with Rebecca Tracey

Episode 124: Rebecca Tracey

Rebecca Tracey is the head/only honcho at The Uncaged Life where she works with online business owners to get clear on their brand message, create packages that sell, and helps them learn what it actually takes to get and keep clients in this crazy online world (all while working from home with no pants on). Rebecca runs a free online community of over 12k solopreneurs. She started her business while living in a van, and loves rock climbing and riding her bike around Toronto with her dog Rhubarb on her back.

Rebecca talks about how to get yourself out there (as in online), acquiring clientele online, and the importance of having a clear marketing message! She also tells us how she found a way to work only 7 months a year!

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