Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Episode 185

Get to the Point Virtually with Joel Schwartzberg

Episode 185: Joel Schwartzberg

Joel Schwartzberg returns to the podcast! This time to talk about getting to the point in an online setting! Joel shares with us some best practices when attending or running video conferences and meetings!

Currently the Senior Director of Strategic and Executive Communications for a major U.S. nonprofit organization, Joel Schwartzberg has been teaching effective presentation techniques to clients including American Express, Blue Apron, the Brennan Center for Justice, Comedy Central, the American Jewish Committee, and North Point Ministries since 2006. Joel’s award-winning book “Get to the Point! Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter” was released in 2017 and his articles on effective point-making have appeared in Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Toastmaster Magazine, and The Huffington Post.

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