We’ll start off by giving you some important information you need to prepare you for our upcoming work together. On the last page, you’ll find handy references and your to-do list to get started.
Please bookmark this page or the links in this page in a place where you can easily reference them.
Throughout this page, any action points required for you to complete will be marked with an arrow icon.
The purpose of this video is to be sure you have the information you need to be successful during your time in the program, including logistics and introducing some key team members you’ll have access to, so please be sure to watch this short video. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about getting started or logistical questions about how the program runs and what to expect. Whatever you need, the entire team is here to support you.
Join the first Tuesday of your program. The purpose of this call is for the SPF team to get to know more about you and your business. That way we’ll be able to give you more personalized advice throughout the program. We’ll also talk about your goals, and answer any questions you have.
Join your Get To Know You Call on Tuesdays at 11am US Eastern, right before the Group Mentoring Call begins, using this Zoom link:Â doitmarketing.com/welcomecall
In this call we’ll be asking you the following questions, so please come prepared with focused answers: Â Â a. Where are you from?
  b. A little bit about you/your business/target market/business model
  c. Something fun/interesting that we might not otherwise learn about you      d. How are you celebrating this step in your business?
We’ve received your digitally signed enrollment agreement and opened up access to the online learning portal. You will work through the online learning
portal for the Speaker Profit Formula at your own pace.
Your login details will be sent to you in an email with the subject line, “Your New Do It! Marketing Account” if it hasn’t already landed in your inbox. (Please check your spam or bulk mail folder if you don’t see it within a few minutes – sometimes it sneaks in there.).
We get together twice a week via Zoom video conference so we can share screens with you, take you to various websites and also SEE what you are working on to make changes and strategize in real time. You can run, but you can’t hide as we get you into massive action with guided implementation steps and personalized hand-holding from the team.
These calls are scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday at 12pm US Eastern.
You’ll use the time in between sessions to implement, create, research, target, reach out, market, and sell.
The link to the Zoom call can be found in the pinned (top) post in the SPF Facebook group.
Submit your questions in advance of each session and track your progress throughout the program by submitting this form before each Tuesday and Thursday video conference mentoring session: spfquestion.com
Each Tuesday and Thursday, anything and everything is fair game in this deep dive mentoring session. Positioning, packaging, strategy, tactics, outreach, marketing, sales, plus whatever revenue-generating activity you’re working on. We’ll talk about what you’re DOING, what’s working, what’s not, how to fix it, how to change it up, and keep you focused on RESULTS. No excuses, no nonsense. Just a relentless focus on getting checks in the door.
This call is solidly grounded in helping you implement the exact system detailed in the core training modules. 90% of your issues, challenges, and problems are addressed IN the training. Mentoring/coaching time is for fine-tuning your application and implementation and getting key insights so you start getting results faster.
For the best experience possible for you and the rest of the group, please show up on time, on camera, and distraction-free. We encourage everyone to participate often, so don’t be shy!
In between our live sessions, you will get feedback on anything
and everything you’re doing from other members of SPF via our
private members-only Facebook group.
If you need help or feedback from someone on the team (outside of questions that you want to ask on the SPF calls), please submit your question in the Facebook group and someone from the team will help you as soon as possible.
Review all of the modules briefly, and THEN start work on Module 1, say hi in the Facebook group and come prepared for your first mentoring session with questions, preliminary decisions, and an action plan to implement the ideas covered in Module 1.
If you’re feeling really bold, dig into reviewing and working on assignments from Module 2 as well ;o)