Clients Rave!
Praise for David Newman
and the Do It! Marketing Approach

Everyone on this page is an extraordinary entrepreneur – they took action, followed through, were very coachable, and got terrific results. In no way are we guaranteeing that you can do the same… but if you want to go for it, we’re here to help at every step of the way...
“From free to $7,500 to $30,000 in 60 days”
Susan is an accomplished corporate consultant who hadn't cracked the speaking code - until now. Listen to her story.
Highlights: “I’d gotten burned before but this felt different” “Frankly, I was thinking about giving up” “Worth every penny” “Got $7,500 fee 4 weeks in and several more since” “Two weeks later, closed a $3,500 event I would’ve done for free” “Talking to someone now about a 2-day program for $30,000” “The biggest obstacle to your own success is YOU”
“$225,000 in sponsors and new fee is $6,500”
Mike is a 30-year speaking veteran, specializing in education who pivoted to business. Listen to his story.
Highlights: “I’ve talked to 2.5 million people but I was always hunting my next wabbit” “Increased my business ten-fold” “I had to drill down to become a real problem-solver” “I closed a $75K/year 3-year contract” “I was on the fence – what would my wife say?” “I’m getting $6,500 consistently” “All in, I’m at $300,000 of new revenue” “Wish I found you 10 years ago”
“Annual revenue increased by a factor of 8X”
Joe came into the program undercharging and under-earning. Listen to his story.
Highlights: “Made my investment in your program back in 3 weeks” “Clarity on how to make $10,000 a month and then $20,000 a month” “I’ve had a $20,000 WEEK” “Annual revenue increased by a factor of 8X” “Revenue already booked into next year is up 5X” “Raised my fees from $750 to $5,000 and up”
“The $11,000 man who's finally charging for value”
Alfred is a true renaissance man who could not get traction monetizing his expertise, Until now. Listen to his story.
Highlights: “Extremely effective at innoculating us from the low fee/no fee speaking trap” “Absolutely laid out a path for me that was clear so I knew exactly where I was going and how to get there fast” “Very quickly, I was totally comfortable charging $5,500 and I’m getting it” “I quoted $11,000 for a 2-day event; they accepted it without blinking an eye”
“This program changed everything for me”
Sardek already had a training business but he wanted more speaking and more money. Listen to his story.
Highlights: “This program got me onto the international speaking circuit” “I went from charging $1,500-$2,500 to immediately jumping my fee to $7,500 on my way to $10K” “Looking at other coaches and gurus, the value you bring is not even close” “IF you implement, this stuff WORKS.” “I’ve only implemented 30% and I’m getting these results!”
Best investment I've made in myself and my business
John generates 6 figures per year in addition to his coaching, training, and consulting. Listen to his story.
Highlights: “I used to struggle with pricing, positioning and finding prospects.” “I was putting in a lot of work and not seeing great results, and finding too many free gigs!” “Before, I was quoting $1,500 but the most I’d been paid for a speaking gig was just $200.” “I got my first $25,000 client for coaching.”
From sporadic $500 gigs to regular $6,500 gigs
Kathy was struggling to get regular gigs and break past an $800 fee - until now
Highlights: “I was up against competition from giant corporations and I needed a shift.” “I was pigeon holed and wasn’t getting the fees or work I wanted, I needed help!” “My fees went from $500 to $6500 after doing the work in the program” “I feared I may have had to get a J-O-B before I met you.”
I would have happily paid double your fee!
Libby was already a highly successful speaker when she joined the program, but as she says, who doesn't want to learn how to get more bookings and higher fees?
Highlights: “I can make in one hour as a speaker what I can in 3-6 months as an Executive Coach.” “I loved being able to reach out to you during the program, you and Theresa really care.” “Getting more frequent and consistent bookings at my target fee of $15,000 – $18,000”
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How Top CEO's, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months
More Success Stories

David's Speaker Marketing Workshop was not only AH-mazing in its content, it was also life-changing in its impact. During the course of the program, I saw a clear path to building a $20 million business. Even more important, I got into action right away and got two new clients just doing my homework. With the clarity I got by going through this course, I will triple the size of my business this year. I told David this program is underpriced. The value is more like $2,500/hour!
~Brynne Tillman
President & CEO, Social Sales Link LLC

"I am 100% thrilled with David's program. To be able to work on my business, week in and week out, with focus, momentum, specific strategies, and detailed implementation assignments makes all the difference. At first, I wasn't sure of the ROI on spending this kind of money. Turns out, dollar for dollar, this program is the #1 best investment I've made into my professional speaking career.”
~Jim Bob Solsbery
Professional speaker and author of Laugh Your Way Out
When it comes to giving expert advice to experts, including speakers, authors and consultants, David Newman is on the leading edge in the marketing category. After 20+ years in the expert industry myself, including working closely with the greats like Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes, the true strategy stars stand out – and David is one of them."
~Stacey Hylen
Founder, Business Optimizer Coach

David's program went so far above and beyond my wildest expectations, it's hard to put into words. You're a wonderful and generous guy and the content was so incredibly valuable in every single class - every single time. Everything was broken down to make it clear, simple, and actionable. Truly - no BS here - this entire experience was top-notch from start to finish. Just one money-making idea after money-making idea. Plus the game plan to put it all together, get into action and get it DONE. I couldn't be happier with my investment in David's program."
~Jon Barb
Professional Speaker and Author of Do What Works
This program has forced me to ask some hard questions - but unlike trying to answer them on my own or with my staff, David provides the framework, tools, and resources to answer them smartly and always with an eye toward generating more revenue and profit both long-term and right now. As a business owner, this is precisely the bottom-line perspective that I need to take my firm from 6 figures to 7 and beyond."
~Hugh Culver
Certified Speaking Professional

Too many workshops promise you the moon and only give you a tour of the launching pad. David Newman’s workshop sends you like a rocket to Jupiter! His incredible combo of specific strategies, tools, and takeaways based on real world experience, along with his infectious, authentic enthusiasm makes his workshop stand out and makes you stand up and start marketing like a pro.”
~Mary Foley
President, Bodacious Ventures! LLC
David, your program is right on target: practical, nuts and bolts, and loaded with valuable resources, new ideas, and strategies that all of us can benefit from. In over 30 years of my professional career, I’ve rarely seen your unique combination of professionalism, humor, mile-a-minute content, and high level of personalization. If people didn't leave with $30,000 or $40,000 of value, they must have been sleeping! Thanks again."
~Steven M. Horner
Founder, Consultants Forum

David's program is easily the best ROI a recovering CPA could dream of. He breaks things down into simple processes with actionable steps so that I was able to sell more speaking engagements to better clients and at consistently higher fees - to the point of an 85% increase in income from last year. I booked a $5,500 gig within 5 weeks of starting the course."
~John Garrett
Professional Speaker,
A lot of people TALK a good marketing game, but nobody DOES it with the pizazz and brilliance like David Newman. His creaativity and thorough professionalism make marketing a joy instead of a pain. And I love the bottom-line results of David's work. He gets my highest recommendation."
~Dr. Alan Zimmerman
CSP, Speaker Hall of Fame

Libby was already a highly successful speaker when she joined the program, but as she says, who doesn't want to learn how to get more bookings and higher fees?!
~Libby Gill
Founder and CEO of Libby Gill & Company
Kate is a top social selling expert who had only one problem: selling herself.
~kate Paine
LINKEDIN Coach, Personal Brand Strategist, PR & Media Professional

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