Elevate Your CEO Brand: How Top CEO’s, Founders, and Senior Executives Build Lasting Market Eminence in Less than 12 Months

Do It! Marketing:

77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits and Crush Your Competition

For experts and smart companies who want to stand out from the crowd...

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This is a terrific book – loaded with practical, proven and often surprising methods and techniques to dramatically increase your sales.”

~Brian Tracy

Author of High Performance Selling

Kick your business into high gear with this fast, fun, pull-no-punches guide.

As a business owner or solopreneur, you wear many hats—perhaps the most important of which is marketer.

But these days, with so many new ways to reach customers and clients and only so much time in the day, it’s hard to know where to start. Should you be using social media? Email? Blogs? Video? SEO?

Marketing doesn’t have to be a mystery. It’s just a series of simple decisions (and the action steps to implement those decisions) that will help you regain the clarity, confidence, and control you need to succeed.

Do It! Marketing is a quick read and an encouraging kick in the pants that will reignite your marketing mojo. The underlying premise is that “only action creates results.”

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Packed with do-this-now ideas to attract, engage, and win more customers and clients, this no-nonsense book reveals how to:

Energetic, inspiring, and filled with concrete strategies, tactics, templates, and tools, Do It! Marketing shows you how to stop “marketing by accident” and start outsmarting, out-positioning, and out-executing the competition.

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“One of the most practical marketing books you will ever read – so what are you waiting for?”

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Author of Duct Tape Marketing

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Companion tools include the Do It! Marketing Playbook with 21-Day Marketing Launch Plan (PDF) and 100+ marketing tools and worksheets.

A small sampling of the other resources you’ll get:

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